Entries by Mészáros Richárd

Hungary also provides favorable taxation

Based on an international survey, Hungary also provides favorable taxation The Tax Foundation again examined the tax regulations of 38 countries this year. According to the ranking prepared based on the International Tax Competitiveness Index, the most favorable tax conditions this year are again provided by Estonia, Latvia and New Zealand, while Hungary ranked seventh […]

We Introduced our new appointment booking interface!

When we launched our services with Company Assistant Service Ltd. years ago, our goal was to provide high-quality services with our prospective clients in the center. That is, such a level of Services which really make everyday life easier for businesses. Think like a customer, this is our business strategy. We believe that this is […]

We questioned ChatGPT!

Published 2023.03.24.   ChatGPT is OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-based language program that allows you to have fully human-like conversations, and now even works in Hungarian. But now we’ve put together the questions and answers we asked him about seat services, business tax and Hungary’s economic situation. What do you know about seat services? A headquarters service […]